We promise you we will be the first one to lead our future
At the center of the clean world, Eco-friendly SK on tech plus is with you.
The second battery is devised as the eco-friendly battery, whichi enables continuous electric charging and discharging by using electrochemical reaction. The battery is being used for all the areas of handheld machineries, ranged from mobile phone, Bluetooth, medical appliances to motor vehicles. Especially, Li-ion Polymer Battery(LIPB), called as 'future-typed battery' or 'energy for next generation', is light in its weight while guaranteeing hight safety. Additionally, it has another merit to freely produce various sizes. Currently, from micro miniature sizes to super sizes, SK on tech plus is producing variously sized LIPB, which is highly qualified. Concerning performace and safety of LIPB, SK on tech plus is taking a pride in its top-leveled technology in the world by its own patented electrolyte and electrode of water system.
in 2002, the technology of SK on tech plus has been approved in superiority. In specific, the second battery has heen passend in FCT (Foreign Comparative Testing), managed by the pentagon in the US, This is the first case in the world. SK on tech plus satisfied quality regulation of the Pentagon and finally procured approval of products. At present, it is progressing projects of the Pentagon with the support for R&D expenses. In addition, in 2003, SK on tech plus has veen nominated as one of ‘Top 10 Enterprises with Growing Pover for Next Generation,’ which is the business plan managed by the Korean Government. In 2004, it was awarded the prize, ‘Top 10 New Korean Technology for Materials and Chemistry.’
The Second Battery Research Center, located inNew Jersey, US and Cheon-an, Korea, is performing research and development for batteries for next generation in various areas, including continuous research activities for performance improvement of battery. Recently, along with SK Corporation, SK on tech plus is expecting practical uses after success of HEV battery development and production. Furthermore, SK on tech plus is doing its best to realize the ideal world as convenient as it can make by the battery. SK on tech plus is making every effort for ‘happiness of all the human beings’ as well as ‘transmission of future-typed energy.’ With nature, SK on tech plus will be in the closest place from humans.